Presentations from the conference "Risk in land-based farming"
Thank you for a fantastic conference this year as well.
Here you will find links to the presentations from the conference "Risk in land-based farming 2022"
Veronika - New industry, new growth
Jenny Lisa Reed - Oceanography in land-based farming
Svein Martinsen - Production planning
Jon Arne Grøttum - Rog - do we have enough for the expected growth?
Per Anton Sæther - Biosecurity risk assessment
Margit E. Jakobsen - Treatment of intake water
Astrid Etienne - Export financing in land-based farming
Dag Sletmo - Financing in land-based farming
Kristoffer Larsen Kvame - Challenges that arise when the size of the fishing vessels increases
Jelena Kolarevic - Balanced real-time control of fish, environment and energy in RAS
Christian H. Torgersen - Challenges in the face of new technology - Andfjord Salmon
Øyvind Aaleshkjær - Best available technology - what is it really?
Sigurd Handeland - RAS or through flow - what is really best for the fish?
Kristine V. Størkersen - Biosecurity in the operational situation - FHF project
Kamilla Holo - Operation under construction - Salmon Evolution
Andrea Nistad - Energy in land-based farming
Vibeke E. Wetterwald - FHF project: Best practice in the production of large salmon smolt
Grunde Heggland - Gjelle health/fish health in land-based farming - new challenges?
Bjørn Ellingsen - Vaccine strategy for large smolt - do we really have it?
Svein Martinsen from Morefish