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Postsmolt network

​The main aim of the network is to facilitate increased knowledge, experience sharing and identify recommendations to promote best practice for postsmolt production, with minimal risk.



AmpliAqua is a fully operational unit of an innovative aquaponic system that demonstrates how land-based fish farming can adopt a sustainable and viable aquaponic system, by integrating new solutions to ensure adequate and sound waste management.



The project objective of ESCALATOR aims to explore the feasibility of establishing a research facility that integrates recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with aquaponics in Croatia. A centralized research facility would integrate research on both Blue Growth and Green Industry Innovation.


This joint project with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOR) from Split as a partner, will be conducted Oct. 2024 until Feb. 2025.  ​


This feasibilty study is financed by Innovation Norge, Grant type HRV-BF 1158 within the Business Development and Innovation Croatia Programme.

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